Atta Cookies


Atta cookies are a popular Indian snack made from whole wheat flour (atta). These cookies are known for their slightly nutty flavor and crumbly texture. They are often sweetened with sugar or jaggery and may include additional ingredients like ghee, cardamom, nuts, or raisins for added richness and flavor.


Atta cookies are a popular Indian snack made from whole wheat flour (atta). These cookies are known for their slightly nutty flavor and crumbly texture. They are often sweetened with sugar or jaggery and may include additional ingredients like ghee, cardamom, nuts, or raisins for added richness and flavor. Atta cookies are favored for being a healthier alternative to cookies made with refined flour, as whole wheat provides more fiber and nutrients. They are commonly enjoyed with tea or coffee and are a staple in many Indian households.


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